This show had some technical issues with Twitch, so if you were listening to live feed it cut off at a point and we finished the show for posting on here. That’s the fun of live recording folks.
This is also our “pilot” episode for Substack, so we get a little more into ourselves and information about some of the projects we work on and generally just getting to know us. We also talk about the Nintendo Directs, and why the Foo Fighters were not happy with Trump. And, a discussion about moves and games that should of stopped after a certain point
As we mention in the podcast, if you have a story you want us to talk about or have a thought or opinion on something we discussed. Please leave a message below in the comment section. We’ll try to answer them at next week’s show.
If you want to hear the podcast recorded live. Follow the button below, if you like what you heard please subscribe to the Desk of chaos for more content.
Links from topics:
Nintendo Direct(s):
Foo Fighters Not approving use of song:
Tarantino stopped caring after Toy Story 3:
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