In the last edition of Off the Rack, I said I was planning on doing a post more focused on the Energon Universe line by Skybound Comics. This line has been going strong for almost a year now and its execution has been very interesting. The line started with one book, it eventually changed to two and now we are currently at four with two miniseries going for about five issues each padding out the third and fourth books. We will this week be shrinking down from four to three, but that new book is possibly a lynchpin that will work in tandem with another ongoing book very soon.
So, today we’re gonna talk about the books and what ones may be worth looking into before G.I. Joe #1 drops on Wednesday. I’ll point out what I feel are the must-reads, the ones that are if nothing else an interesting attempt to maybe one you should avoid.
Whoa, what the hell is an Energon Universe?
Oh, yeah that probably should be addressed….
The Energon Universe is an imprint under Robert Kirkman’s Skybound imprint. It is being released by Image Comics. Don’t get lost in all the who is doing what here, just keep with the thread. You could make an argument that this could also really be the “Hasbro Universe” but it doesn’t roll off the tongue or even sound cool. Just sounds very corporate, which I mean it is but well licensing is fun isn’t it guys?
No the reason it’s called the Energon Universe is the plot Macguffin is in the name: Energon is a powerful substance, one that powers wait for it...TRANSFORMERS! That’s right, you thought this place that reviews toys was gonna tell you a comic book line about Mr. Potato Head? Oh, NO ONE SHOW KIRKMAN THIS!
Seriously though, the line was pretty much stealth-dropped in a title, no one knew what the hell it was till it pretty much hit the shelf of your comic shop. At that point Jetfire of all people showed up and pulled a poochy leaving the plot cause his planet needed him, he however didn’t die along the way surprisingly. So, that is what the universe is it’s a license given to a company and sort of reboots/begins a new storyline where Cobra and Autobots fight and everything in between. Also with some original stuff, I guess. But, now that you know what the hell I am talking about.
So this is based on that Energon Cartoon from when I was a kid?
….No one speaks of that show….EVER….
Moving on…
1. Transformers
Price per issue: 3.99
number of issues: 12
TL:DR: This is pretty much THE book of the universe, while not everything connects the name of the universe comes from their power source. Also, Daniel Warren Johnson is firing on all cylinders.
There has been no shortage of Transformers books, from the classic Marvel run to the aborted and kind of forgotten Dreamwave return. To IDW’s actual first attempt at a modern story to a major road bump into one of the strongest continuity of Transformers of all time. There was a reboot done by IDW that kind of went nowhere, but they did give us a finale book “Last Bot Standing” which was...well it was something, it had a finality to it I guess.
This book was the second in the universe to launch, but out of the gate it felt special, the visuals were a mix of the old 80’s style with a modern sense, it had a very raw and visceral vibe and the story had some new ideas to go with it. This is in large part due to the fact at least for the first six issues. Writer AND artist Daniel Warren Johnson ran the book solo and laid some solid new foundation to play with. Megatron is MIA? Okay, but why is Optimus Prime suddenly doing pro-wrestling moves to Decepticons every issue? Carly has H. Jon Benjamin’s van? (Does anyone get this reference, or is this just a thing for me to enjoy?) Where is Bumblebee...oh...oh no…
After a strong first six, in the second act, Johnson let someone else do the art, but that doesn’t mean it slacked off. Every issue felt important and also self-contained, something hard to do in the day and age but it all added up in the end. There is a reason this book won Eisner awards and pushed things forward. This is easily the best book of the line (for now) and also a vital link to everything. Two arcs have wrapped up but they are good reads. If nothing else just go enjoy this and ignore the others.
2. Cobra Commander
Price: 3.99
Number of issues: 5
TL:DR: A sleeper book that plays to some of the stranger aspects of the universe but also sets the stage for a lot of plot points.
I did not expect to go into this book being so hooked by it, Cobra Commander from his cartoon persona I always never liked, he was stereotyped Saturday morning villain which works great as a cartoon. But he was always more viscous in the comics. So when they announced they were doing a Cobra Commander mini-series I expected some sort of odd hybrid of the origins of Cobra from the comic books mixed in with the previously mentioned cartoon persona.
Boy did I get that wrong, the opening pages set the tone quickly this is not a cartoon commander, though I also was not wrong in they did rope in some origins of Cobra, just not from the comics. I won’t spoil much beyond that, but the art and vibe come off in ways almost horror-like and also Lovecraftian (yeah, I said that). It’s very suspenseful but also adds to the world with a lot of organic world-building as well as establishing this version of Cobra Commander as not one to fuck with.
I would say of the mini-series this one is vital, but also it is a great book self-contained in story and doesn’t let off the breaks once it lets loose. The surprising horror vibes and almost surrealistic at times take on art fit this book a lot better than you’d imagine. As for the plot developments, from the first issue forward it feels like you are peeling back revelation after revelation. If there is one G.I Joe book to read. This is the one to check out.
3. Energon Universe Free Comic Book Day Special
Number of Issues: 1
Price: FREE!
TL:DR: A tease of things to come that also shows some scenes that could prove to be critical later in the universe.
This one is not long, but it also is if you read the first two series a companion piece to it. It sets up the inevitable Big Three books but also shows some scenes we were not able to see when the universe started. Each writer and artist does their thing here and it all clicks so well. If nothing else I recommend this cause of its connection to the Cobra Commander mini.
Books that are fun but not vital:
1. Void Rivals
Price: 4.99
Number of issues: 13
TL:DR: While it launched the universe it has felt like it was stumbling through, and the second arc feels like Kirkman really just wants to write The Transformers but can’t. But, may be starting to pick up steam.
Void Rivals is the only “original” book of the line, it was created by Robert Kirkman, and the original characters are owned by Hasbro under this agreement. The plot is about two people raised in two different worlds who meet and slowly begin to realize they are more intertwined and taught to hate one another for reasons neither can understand. Also, this is the more “space” side of the universe where concepts like Quintessions (the tentacle guys from the old show) and other oddball Hasbro properties are chilling. This was the first book in the line, and had the scene with Jetfire and after that...kind of just did things, sure there were some interesting ideas. But it felt very eh until the second arc when Springer (the green transformer who turns into a helicopter and car) suddenly seems to pick up. As time has moved on and solicits have come out, it’s becoming really clear Robert Kirkman wanted to write a Transformers book but for some reason didn’t. Don’t get me wrong we got a banger as a result but it feels like this book slowly took a side seat to the robots in disguise, in their book. While not the most riveting and revelatory of the books so far, I feel like the concept and characters did not get a fair shake and just was the writer spinning wheels until he could finally get his hands on a few Autobots. Now, that being said, the coming arc could be showing signs of an actual plot development that is interesting with another underutilized character not of Transformers descent. But as of now, this book feels like a lot of wasted ideas until he can get the shiny toy.
3. Scarlett
Number of Issues: 5
Price: 3.99
TL:DR: While not exactly connected, the book itself is honestly a fun bond rift in many ways.
There is not much to be said about this book, I’m gonna be honest of all these books this is probably the one you can read that has little (for now) to do with the overall plot of the universe, but it is just a fun little ride and done from the perspective of the red-haired ass-kicking female member of the Joe team. From the opening issue, it does feel like something of an action movie in comic book form. The first issue feels like an old James Bond intro without the theme song after the prelude. From there we move into the plot and the introduction of a certain ninja clan G. I. Joe can’t escape from but without its most famous member.
There are some minor connections, but it is just a fun little character study of Scarlet and also just a fun ride to read and enjoy. Turn off your brain fun at its best, don’t think a lot, and just enjoy
4. Duke
Number of issues: 5
Price: 3.99
TL:DR: more of a conspiracy thriller than you’d think and introduces things that are about it
I did not expect the Duke book to turn into some weird conspiracy theory-laden adventure where he’s on the run from the law. That is what we get, and it isn’t a bad thing that it is this way either. Though this one does sort of establish some major roster positions within G.I Joe. It doesn’t do much and adds only little to the overall plot threads shown so far, you get a very good villain, but so far he feels underused and also his underlings take more time than he does in the story. This book is mainly focused on the subtle reveal of the Joe team roster with some minor things added to keep the plot interesting. Is it bad, no and it’s a good book but if we’re looking at what is vital this is one that just barely pushes above Void Rivals. But the person writing it wants to write it.
1. Destro
Number of Issues: 5
Price: 3.99
TL:DR: While some great bits of character are put into the lead, a lot of the plot feels tacked together and just holding till the proper book released
Destro is a book I wanted to like, in the Chain of Command of Cobra, I always found interesting it was Destro. The never-trusting second in command who has aspirations of leadership, just without all the Starscream ego. This book focuses on the arms dealer and his sudden conflict with the crimson twins Tomax and Xamont, it starts well and again some great bits of development for Destro. Overall it feels like it could have been a subplot to the main book when it launches and the big bad is so painfully obvious it drags the book down also. The small good bits are not enough to recommend this book. But if it’s on super sale it is worth it, but only just then.
Well that is all we got for this edition of Off the Rack, I hope if nothing else. This gives you something to do over the weekend and also gets you ready if you are more of a Joe person than a Transformers one. We’ll see how good the book is when it drops next week. That being said with all the new stuff, it’s gonna be a tough climb for this line to get into the conversation again. But if there is one thing I learned, Energon Universe will probably land in the convo sooner than we think.
-The Chaos Director