The Desk of Chaos
1/2 Assed show Podcasts
The 1/2 assed Show 9/21/24

The 1/2 assed Show 9/21/24

The weekly show

This episode was recorded fully on Twitch! In this episode, we talk about the drama of the Berserk anime that was told to stop. Nintendo finally got around to suing Palworld developer Pocket Pair. Discuss the rumors about the next-gen Switch hardware and its possibilities. Then end, with a discussion about James Earl Jones’s voice being given to Disney and possible repercussions about it in the future.

You can always join us for our live recordings on Saturday nights at 7 pm EST, 6 pm CST, and 4 pm PST over on our Twitch channel, you can follow us there by checking the button below:

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If you have thoughts on the stories or want to share your opinion, leave a comment below and we’ll talk about it on the next show

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This Weeks stories:

  1. Berserk fan anime cancelled:

  2. Nintendo Sues Palworld developer Pocket Pair

  3. Switch 2 specs possibly revealed

  4. James Earl Jones signed the rights to his voice over to Disney

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The Desk of Chaos
1/2 Assed show Podcasts
Podcasts of our twitch "Visual Podcast" (Patient pending) the 1/2 assed show, recorded live on Saturday nights
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